We Will Be Thin and Beautiful

In pursuit of lithe bodies, toned limbs, flat tums and glowing skin

Friday, December 17, 2004

No time to blog!

Sorry, I've been really busy this week and I have eaten crap stuff and I had 2 pints on Tuesday and 3 pints on Wednesday and have been very, very naughty.

Must do better next week.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Not a great day

Porridge with nuts, seeds, dried fruit, yog and soya milk
Veg risotto (spinach and tomato) with chips (yes, this was my christmas meal at the office party)
Orange juice
2 pieces bread and butter
thai green chicken curry and rice noodles

So fruit and veg was AWFUL. 3 and a half at the most I reckon.

The thai green chicken curry was a ready meal from Sainsburys as I forgot to take any food out of the freezer and it was the most revolting meal I have EVER eaten. It was sweet and salty and chemical tasting. M had a lemon chicken ready meal and that was even worse. How do people eat these things? Yuk. Won't be doing that again.

I spoke to Vicks last night. She has just moved into her thatched cottage in Devon and is cold, as they have no central heating. She says a big hello to the blog. She is quite 'sticky-outy' now.

Challenge Day Four

Fruit and veg
1. Four dried figs
2. Orange juice
3&4. Veggies in portion of veg lasagne
5. Pear
6. Apple
7,8&9. Bubble and squeak (carrots, peas, celeriac, cabbages, potato, onion)

Lots and lots and lots

None - oh dear, will have to do today, Sat and Sun to make up for my crapness! Will do gym at lunch today, gym and swim tomorrow afternoon and Sunday morning. Promise.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Challenge Day Three

Fruit and Veg
1. Orange juice
2. Four dried figs
3. Apple
4. 2 kiwi fruit (which I appear to be allergic to as my mouth swelled up!)
5. Pear
6. Portion of broc, caul and carrot
7. Errr... does a mince pie count?
8. Errr... Must do better today! I have three portions to make up!

3 litres, plus loads more glasses

1/4: Gym session, One hour

I had chips!

Porridge with nuts, fruit, seeds, yoghurt, soya milk
2 x Satsumas
Cheese salad with sprouts, beans, tom, lettuce, cucumber
Miso soup with sea vegetables
Trout, green beans, carrots and er, chips.

Went to the gym for an hour too.

So very good apart from chips. And I reckon I can have chips if I don't drink.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Challenge Day 2

Fruit and Veg
1. Glass of orange juice
2. Apple
3. Pear
4. 1 satsuma; 2 dried figs
5. Banana
6. Butternut squash in risotto
7. Grated carrot in sandwich
8. Errr... will have something extra today

3 litres, plus about four glasses


None - still recovering from lurgy. Might try an go to the gym today.

Laura's grub

She still can't blog, but this is what she has been up to this week!

Still seem to be craving carbs but slightly better than I was at the weekend.
3 x crumpets with jam
tom, mozz & pesto panini
Quorn garlic grill, beans, sweet potato chips

Beauty - nil (unless you count baby oil with aloe vera, which I have just discovered turns my newly waxed legs into satin) Water - lots Vitamins - not many Exercise - 1 hour shopping, got off bus one stop early on way to work

Food: cereal, spicy butternut squash soup, grapes, pear, satsuma, rice crisps. 2 x nut cutlets + 1 x leek, 1/2 broccoli, 2 x carrots, approx 2 tbsp peas & gravy (= 7 fruit & veg?)
Water: lots
Exercise: apart from usual walking, 30 minutes exercise at home (situps, leg raises, arm weights, squats etc)

I don't think I had enough veg or water

yoghurt with pecan nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, dried fruit (does dried fruit count as a portion?)
2 x satsumas
Squash and chickpea stew with couscous
3 biscuits (was in my gothic studies class and there was the leftovers from a meeting with biscuits, so I nabbed a packet)
Pasta with mushrooms, kale and feta cheese

I went to the gym before work and did 15 mins running, 15 mins on x trainer and weights.

And it has been a whole week off the booze now!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Not a bad start

2 pieces toast and butter
2 satsumas
Salad (including aduki bean sprouts and grated carrot)
Chick pea dhal
Piece bread and butter
Squash and chick pea stew with cous cous

I think I managed 7 or 8 there, depending on what you count as a portion.

And I did a LBT class. I think I managed my water. And I walked a lot. But no beauty stuff. I had to read 'The Psychopathology of Everyday Life' last night, which sort of prevented me from doing anything else.

And I've already been to the gym this morning.

Challenge day one

Fruit and veg
1. 2 satsumas
2. 2 more satsumas
3. and another 2 satsumas (!)
4. Portion of spinach, lentil and aubergine bake
5. Peas
6. Mixed broc/caul/carrots
7. Four dried figs
8. Glass of orange juice

3 litres, plus about five glasses

Just walking. Still can not breathe very well because of my lurgy so didn't think leaping about was a very good idea.

Nice long bath, good exfoliating session, plucked eyebrows, foot filing, covered myself in cocoa butter.

Monday, December 06, 2004

I had an alcohol free weekend!

My word, that hasn't happened since January.

Food was still rubbish though.
Porridge with nuts, seeds, dried fruit and yoghurt
Ham salad sandwich
Bread and cheese
Aubergine and onion bake with cream, with salad and brown rice

Toast with butter and marmalade
cheese salad sandwich
rack of lamb with kale, carrots, mashed potato and gravy
Piece of bread and butter.

Went for a walk up lots of steep hills on Sunday as well and 3 hours shopping on Saturday.

Am just planning my exercise for the week and am going to LBT this lunchtime.

My weekend of food

I had the lurgy and only only managed to munch the following:

Two satsumas
Gallons of water
Some soup
A veggie pizza

Great for dieting, but sadly, it was my first wedding anniversary, so the planned munch/red wine fest in Hay on Wye that Dave had booked as a surprise was cancelled.

Boo hoo.

Laura's Food

Laura can't post so here's what naughty munching she's been up to:

"Saturday: 2 x veg sausage and egg rolls, half portion cheesy chips, half portion cheesy garlic bread, 2 pints carling, 1 packet snack-a-jacks
Sunday: cheese & beans on toast, 2 x cheese & pickle rolls, veg curry & egg fried rice, 2x white choc malteser xmas tree decorations

So in summary:
vitamins = nil
water = nil
exercise = approx 6 hours shopping
beauty = plucked eyebrows, leg & bikini wax, face pack, manicure, pedicure - all DIY so I'm sure the waxing alone used up more calories as I braced myself for each rip"

Friday, December 03, 2004

Two-week challenge

Well, from the lack of posting, we've all obviously been a bit crap recently.

Anyone up for a two-week, pre-Christmas challenge so we feel all thin and beautiful for the festive season?

Challenge one: Exercise
Do four exercise sessions every week

Challenge two: Vitamins
Eat eight portions of fruit and veg every day

Challenge three: Water
Drink 3 litres of water every day

Challenge four: Beauty
Have a good exfoliate/shave/pluck/file session twice a week

Challenge starts Monday. Are you woman enough????