We Will Be Thin and Beautiful

In pursuit of lithe bodies, toned limbs, flat tums and glowing skin

Monday, February 25, 2008

On a mission

I've been a bit bad over the last 10 days or so. It's been a birthday and we've been away. I can't seem to get back on track at all.

I'm going away on Friday for a girly weekend and I'd like to drop a couple of pounds by then. So I need to be severely angelic this week.

I'm going to go to body harmony class tomorrow and go for a run on Friday morning. I am going to be angelic in the day (only fruit and soup allowed) and eat a normal dinner in the evening, with no snacking. And no booze at all until I'm at the airport on Friday.


Packet of quavers
Tin of french onion soup
White baguette (very bad)
Pieces of cheese (very bad)
4 slices of malt loaf (very bad)
2 small slices of bread and butter
roasted veggies

So I need to be very careful and THINK before anything goes in my mouth!



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