We Will Be Thin and Beautiful

In pursuit of lithe bodies, toned limbs, flat tums and glowing skin

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

In the zone

Fresh grapefruit juice
2 crumpets with jam
Quorn bolognaise
Roasted veggies with cous cous
3 squares of G&B Maya Gold

Exercise was 1 hour of jogging with a little bit of walking in between (quite proud of that!).

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Bikini time is looming

I have booked a holiday in Andalucia, so just 26 days until I have to face the world in a bikini - eeek! Surely the best diet incentive of all (apart from the wedding dress diet, which is always a good one, but sadly probably a one-off!).

2 grilled Quorn Sausages, grilled tomatoes, 1 toast, beans
Orange juice
Teeny bit of goats cheese tart with avocado, tofu, sweet potato and tomato salad
Mashed avocado on two slices of toast
2 glasses wine (oops!)
Exercise: 30 minutes jogging, 30 minutes walking

2 crumpets and jam
Orange juice
Quorn bolognaise
Celery, potato and blue cheese soup
1 slice bread
Exercise: About 1 hour walking the dog

Ooo, that is all rather impressive (apart from the wine).

Friday, May 19, 2006


Banana, kiwi, strawberry soy smoothie
1 crumpet with jam
Big yummy salad with sweet potato, tomato, pumpkin seeds, beans, feta
Slice of cake (I know, I know – office birthday)
Vegetable curry, with avocado wrap on the side
3 teas, 1 coffee, lots of water

Exercise was lots of walking.

All good stuff, apart from the cake. Now there's the weekend to get through. Was planning lots of walking, but looks as if it's going to be windy and rainy and miserable. Boo.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I am feeling so motivated

Didn’t get home until 9pm last night, but I made sure I prepared a veggie-packed lunch for work, plus got breakfast ready so I had something healthy to grab while I was running out of the door.

And walked the mile and a half to the train station, even though it was chucking it down with rain.

I will be thin! I probably won’t be beautiful – but I’ll be a better version of the state I am in now.

When the six weeks are over, I’m booking a hair-cut and a shopping trip to buy some new clothes – but only if I’ve shifted as least 7lbs.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Gah, I'm so fat

I have reached a weight that I haven't been for years. A weight I'd promised myself I'd never get to again.

So now I have been shocked into taking action.

For the next six weeks, I promise to:
  • Eat eight portions of fruit and veg a day (theory is that more F&V = less cake and crisps)
  • Exercise for at least an hour, every single day (that includes walking)
  • Not drink alcohol on school nights

    Go, go, go!

  • Friday, May 12, 2006

    Hurrah, it's sunny - this means I don't feel like eating stodgy comfort food any more.

    2 toast with banana, honey and cinnamon
    1 apple
    1 banana
    Brown sandwich with coleslaw and salad
    Few crisps (I know, I know - but they came with the sandwich)
    Slice of orange
    1 digestive biscuit
    Pasta with roasted squash, mushrooms and pesto
    Lots of tea, lots of water

    Had a bit of a mad day, so no exercise.

    2 toast and a mashed avocado
    1 apple
    2 plums
    Pasta with roasted squash, mushrooms and pesto
    1 mini samosa (I have this problem with leftover buffet food at work. It tastes lovely, but it is so greasy and makes me feel gross)
    Mushroom risotto with green beans
    Lots of tea, lots of water

    Exercise was 3 miles walking.

    This weekend will involve lots of fruit and veg, walking and cake-avoidance.

    Wednesday, May 10, 2006

    Gah! Why do I like cake so much?

    I made the mistake of weighing this morning. It wasn't good.

    I'm supposed to on a '12 weeks to change my life' sort of kick at the moment - getting out of my god-awful job and getting fit again. This week is week 3, and although I've upped the exercise, I haven't really been very good with food and a glass of wine has been creeping into my hands most evenings. Oops.

    So to motivate myself, I have hung up on the outside of my wardrobe a very small, very gorgeous dress that I bought to wear to a wedding a couple of years ago when I was super-fit and ultra-slim.

    I don't like rules, as they make you obsess. However, I really, really need to make my best effort to avoid the three evil Cs - cheese, chips and chocolate cake!

    Go Team Meep!