We Will Be Thin and Beautiful

In pursuit of lithe bodies, toned limbs, flat tums and glowing skin

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Must drink more water...

Hello lovely ladies,

Nice to see you all here - and here's to a foxy hen party!

So far fat club is going well for me... got my stone award last night - feels like some kind of AA club but people clap you for not eating rubbish rather than not drinking rubbish - loving the award though - have it posted on the notice board at home... am I turning into a middle aged drab mummy now?!
Anyway, now I've got my stone loss I can have my haircut (first thing on the list to do) - will book it today for the weekend - eek!

Oh, and here's what I ate yesterday too...

Breakfast - Banana and Muller Light. Some melon too.

Lunch - Baked beans on toast

Tea - Pasta with homemade bacon and tomato sauce

Snacks - 2 Alpen Light Bars, Options hot choc and 3 biscuits as a treat

Also spent the whole weekend with the kids away doing DIY and unpacking the rest of the house - which could account for my 3lb weight loss this week! Bring on the housework!


Monday, September 29, 2008

Day one of the new me too

Hello fellow fuglys,

I too want to look and feel amazing, so I am going to eat well, sleep, drink (lots of water) and be happy. I am also going to cut down on the stress and worry. I will post my food later, but here is to some glam and sexy mother fcukin hens....

A big kiss to you both.

Day One of the New Me

Welcome to Sara and Sal - this is where we can post our food and exercise every day.

Ok, I know I've said it a hundred times before, but I am sick of looking and feeling crap. Saw some pics of me yesterday, with grey looking skin, a big Teletubby tummy, crap hair and frumpy mum clothes. So I know I'm never going to be a looker, but I can make myself look a little bit more presentable.

So I'm choosing Sara's hen weekend as my goal. I want to have lost half a stone by then and get back on track with the exercise.

I also need:
New underwear
A haircut
A few items of clothing that aren't jeans or hoodies

So there we go. Just tucking into a bean salad for lunch - a good start.
